One of the Most Fundamental Values in Cultures and Beliefs All Over the World...

“Gratitude Opens the Door to… the Power, the Wisdom, the Creativity of the Universe” Deepak Chopra

When you enter the peaceful state of Gratitude you add amazing positivity and abundance to your life.

Gratitude has a massive Immediate Effect on Your Health and Happiness. With feelings of gratitude you become more open and aware of more things to be grateful for. 

You become more loved and appreciated by those around you. Your world becomes richer, more interesting, more exciting.

When you open your eyes to the opportunities that surround you with an attitude of gratitude, nothing can stop you achieving your goals. 

Feel happier in your life right now and using those happy feelings of gratitude motivate and focus your mind on creating the passion filled life you desire.

Gratitude Hypnosis Session For Peace, Abundance & Happiness

Listen to a Sample...

“Gratitude is a BIG part of my life…

It’s a huge subject that I’ve been studying for years… It forms part of the Science of Getting Rich Hypnosis, there was a recording in my Trance Club... and Now I feel VERY GRATEFUL to be sitting in paradise once again writing the Spirit of Being Gratitude."

My latest Hypnosis Session was written whilst I was sat in my favourite garden in the world, The Garden of Dreams in Goa. Surrounded by wonderful, kind and creative people in a cool green oasis away from the heat of the Indian sun.

I had much to be grateful for and I know you do too. And when you take time to consciously feel gratitude, amazing things being to happen.

On my blog and YouTube Channel I often talk about Gratitude. It’s the Second Step of the Spirit of Being for good reason.

This session is one of my very favourites, I hope you enjoy it.

John Vincent

Lets Talk About Hedonic Adaptation for a Moment…

A pay rise, a promotion, a new electronic gadget… All these things make us happy. But only for a short while. 

Then we become used to it and it no longer makes us happy and we fall back to our default levels of happiness, ‘contentment’.

Simply put, we get used to ‘good things’ that happen... It’s called Hedonic Adaptation.

New-shiny-things do little to increase our overall levels of happiness and well being. When something is new, it’s easy to be grateful for it. When it becomes routine it’s easy to forget about it…

In fact, it has been suggested that the repetition of smaller positive experiences such as exercise, meditation and the regular practice of gratitude, have a more lasting effect on our overall well-being, rising our default levels of happiness with more lasting effects than major life events.

Time and time again Gratitude is shown to increase the quality of peoples lives, including gratitude for the little things, the things we take for granted.

“John as I listened to you speak about the very simple things a smile came on my face, I WAS one of those who thought it hard to find many things to be grateful for as if simplicity doesn’t matter. Your wisdom is a blessing. Thank you…”

Saying "Thank You" Brings a Smile to People's Faces... it Also Lights Up Different Areas of Your Brain, Making You Feel Happier.

The long term Benefits of Practicing Conscious Gratitude on your health, happiness and general well-being have been proven again and again. This hypnosis session Supercharges Your Unconscious Mind, literally rewiring your mind for a more Grateful and Abundant Mind-set. Gratitude is a massive contributor to improving your health, wealth and happiness. 

"Gratitude reduces a multitude of toxic emotions, ranging from envy and resentment to frustration and regret"
Dr Robert Emmons, Ph.D.

Gratitude Has Been Scientifically Proven To:

  • Improve your psychological health and mental alertness
  • Improve physical health, raising energy and boost your immune systems
  • Increase optimism and promote a positive self-esteem
  • Deepen restorative sleep and relax your whole system
  • Increase productivity and motivation to achieve your goals
  • Put you in the right state of mind to make good decisions
  • Improve existing relationships and attract new ones into your life
  • Boost happiness and overall feelings of well-being

Where You Put Your Attention, You Put Your Focus and Energy

Everyone wants more happiness, better relationships, more wealth, health and time to do the things we love doing. But sometimes we get so caught up in wanting more we don’t realise what we do have.

“Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough” Oprah Winfrey.

This Powerful Mind Reprogramming Hypnosis Session refocuses your mind so you can let go of 'what's wrong' and 'what's not right' with your world, and instead start focusing on 'what you do have' and 'all that's wonderful in your life'. The more you do, the more you get...

‘Neurons That Fire Together Wire Together’, this is a simplified conclusion of Hebb’s Law. Basically, the more grateful you are, the more feelings of gratitude you have… obvious right. And feeling grateful feels good! Well, it also helps you get more of the things you want. 

“Gratitude is the healthiest of all human emotions. The more you express gratitude for what you have, the more likely you will have even more to express gratitude for” Zig Ziggler.

A team of Scientists at the University of Southern California found that Gratitude changes the structure of the brain. Particularly the Anterior Cingulate Cortex and the Medial Prefrontal Cortex... And if you don’t have a degree in Neuro-science basically these areas are associated with emotional processing, interpersonal bonding, moral judgment and the ability to understand the mental states of others. 

Gratitude is powerful indeed. It is the most important emotion. It’s the emotion that puts things in motion.

Think about when you give someone close to you a present, they open it and the look on their face is a picture. How good does that make you feel? In fact, it makes you want to give another gift... and how grateful are you when you receive gift.  

Combining Gentle, Relaxing Music with Powerful Dynamic Hypnosis for Awesome Results

Hypnosis Cuts Straight Through the Negativity

The ultimate in easy learning and relaxation. All you have to do is press play, lay back and the hypnosis does the rest. Hypnosis cuts straight through to your unconscious mind and effortlessly reprograms your mind for instant change. So you will be more relaxed throughout the day, even in situations that may have previously stressed you out.

Music Has an Amazing Effect on the Mind

Music affects your mood… playing a cheerful song will go a long way to improving your mood and mellow music can help you sleep at night.

The right music is a powerful medium for change. 

Using the beautiful music of Dr Christopher Lloyd Clark BSc, MscD... Music that encourages deep relaxation, spiritual awakening, healing and altered sates of consciousness.

Just the pure essentials… a gentle wandering melody that was created with a bowed glass instrument. This intoxicating combination of sounds will relax you to your core, encouraging your mind to become still.

Moving From the Beta to the Theta State

Our brains are brimming with electrical activity every single minute of our lives. Brainwaves differ from each other by their frequency. 

Beta waves are the most common state of normal waking conditions, its that busy, everyday setting. When you relax you move into an Alpha state, the relaxed fluid creative state... relax further and you're in Theta, the Deeply Healing Regenerative Brainwave State where Hypnosis cuts straight through the static and negative self-talk.

And that is why Theta Binaural Beats are used in these recordings.

Brainwave Entrainment Technology Guides You into Deeply Relaxing and Meditative Theta

Relax & Flood Your Body with Feelings of Gratitude & Happiness

Now, consider for a moment what this incredible hypnosis could mean to you…

If when you got home from work you took just 30 minutes for yourself to listen to this incredible track, to relax, to ‘switch off’ from the stresses of work and take time to flood your body with Gratitude.

To give thanks for the wonders in your world, for those that you have and those that you will have. How much more relaxing would the rest of your evening be. 

How much more able would you be to face any challenges life has to offer and how much easier would solutions come to you.

The proven results of hypnosis speak for themselves and are used by: Successful Entrepreneurs, Hollywood Celebrities, Professional Athletes, Musicians, and the list just goes on and on.

It’s Time to Harness the Power of Your BRAINWAVES

What People Are Saying About John's Hypnosis...

"I just feel wonderful and am noticing subtle shifts. Thank you for your generosity of spirit."

Suz De J

"I have bought all your hypnosis programs recently and they have changed my life."

Warren Thackeray Dip.Hyp.

"Very cool little synchronicity's have been popping up and my head is buzzing.... very cool new vibration. Thanks much! Namaste."

Becky T

"This is totally awesome. I feel phenomenal. Thank you for sharing. Everyday has been better than the last… Words cannot express how grateful I am."

Tellie K

"No words can express the gratitude I feel towards you for creating all these absolutely awesome recordings."

Barry H

"THANK YOU for being so generous, infinite blessings back to you!!!"

Elsa M

100% Money Back Guarantee: LOVE it or Your Money Back

Completely Risk Free: Give The Spirit of Being Gratitude Hypnosis 60 days, and if you are not happy and don’t find yourself making positive changes, just let me know and I will refund your purchase in full…no questions asked.

Your satisfaction is my #1 priority, so if you are not happy, I don’t want your money. It’s as simple as that. Love it or your money back.

When You Enter the Peaceful State of Gratitude You Add Amazing Positivity and Abundance to Your Life

Gratitude has a massive Immediate Effect on Your Health and HappinessWith feelings of gratitude you become more open and aware of more things to be grateful for. 

You become more loved and appreciated by those around you. 

Your world becomes richer, more interesting, more exciting.

When you open your eyes to the opportunities that surround you with an attitude of gratitude, nothing can stop you achieving your goals. 

Get Started 100% Risk FREE Today. 

Get Started Now - Launch Price $27.00 Only £9.97

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Gratitude Hypnosis Session For Peace, Abundance & Happiness

Your FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions

Q: “I haven’t used Hypnosis before… is it safe?”

Hypnosis is natural and safe. In fact we all drift in and out of trance everyday. Hypnosis and trance states have been used in healing for thousands of years. More recently the power of Hypnosis has been harnessed in personal development. These Dynamic Hypnosis sessions are designed to be effortlessly easy to use.

Q: “How do the Hypnosis Sessions work?”

Each hypnosis session is 25-30 minutes long and focuses on a different personal development topic. The sessions are an expertly crafted blend of hypnosis, binaural beats, NLP and relaxing music to convey the principles deep into your unconscious mind. So that you can truly understand, practice and become the change you want.

Q: “How do I get the most Benefit from These Hypnosis Sessions?”

To gain the fullest benefit of these Hypnosis sessions I recommend that you listen to it through stereo headphones (headphones not essential), making sure that you are lying or sitting comfortably in a safe environment where you will not be disturbed. Typically I recommend that you listen to each session 3 – 5 times in the first week.

Q: “Are there other benefits to these Hypnosis Sessions?”

Yes! The unique combination of hypnosis, binaural beats, NLP and relaxing music in these Hypnosis Sessions also gives you the added benefits of immune system boosting, stress releasing, deep relaxation. Plus the BrainWave Entrainment (Theta Binaural Beats) have been show to reduce anxiety and the presence of theta patterns in the brain has been associated with increased receptivity for learning and decreased filtering by the left hemisphere.

Q: “Are there any Side Effects of These Hypnosis Sessions?”

There are no known negative side effects to These Hypnosis sessions and its unique combination of hypnosis, binaural beats, NLP and relaxing music. There are, of course, the side effects of all the positive benefits of listening to it. And if for any reason you need to awaken during this process you will do so with a clarity of mind to attend the situation.

Q: “I already listen to Hypnosis recordings as well as reading personal development books watching CD’s etc. Why do I need another? Also can I use this with the other recordings I have?”

Great, reading personal development books, watching videos, listening to CD’s is the journey I’m still on too. I believe you never stop learning right? But trust me, I am confident that with These Hypnosis you will actually find that you’re getting better results with any other personal development programs, recordings or systems you own. It’s designed to be holistic.

Gratitude Hypnosis Session For Peace, Abundance & Happiness

Take Advantage of this Launch Offer and Get a 63% Discount

Improve your psychological health and mental alertness

Improve physical health and boost your immune systems

Increase optimism and promote a positive self-esteem

Deepen restorative sleep and relax your whole system

Increase productivity and motivation to achieve your goals

Improve existing relationships and attract new ones into your life

Boost happiness and overall feelings of well-being

Get Started 100% Risk FREE - Launch Price $27.00 Only £9.97

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